Martin Rue

I build things on the internet.

What I'm Doing Now

It has been far too long since my last update, so definitely time for another.

After a long period of restrictions, April 12th was the start of a gradual and very welcome return to a sense of normality here in the UK.

I joined an awesome co-working space that has been under development for the last 4 years. It's already full of really interesting, inspiring people and I'm loving being around humans again. My current hug count is 5. Robin, you're the best.

I built and launched a mini social network for a tiny non-commercial web called Gemini. Even for me, this is one of my more niche projects. I expected it'd get maybe 6 or 8 glazed eyeballs, but there are over 150 people using it. Seeing people use and enjoy something you created makes the effort even more worth it.

My main focus is still Yakk, a web app to help folks learn languages in a unique way. There's far too much to do for an even-more-socially-inclined Martin, but bit by bit I'm pushing it along.

I'm writing this update on possibly the nicest weather day of the year so far. I'm currently sat in 6A at 35k feet however, with said beautiful weather very quickly disappearing behind me.

Similarly to how I felt at the end of last summer, life has become a bit too predictable, so I'm changing it up. Spending time in a different environment with different people always helps shake things up and revive my mind.

I'm trying to write a small piece of Esperanto fiction for a writing contest. The deadline is looming, and having never written fiction before I'm finding it a big challenge. That's just making it even more motivating though.

Lastly: I just received a private copy of redacted – a book I've been excitedly waiting to read since I heard of the author's plan to write it over a year ago. I'm sure anyone reading a /now page can guess which book I'm talking about, but for now I can't say more.

Written 30th May 2021
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